16 May 2024
Have you thought of spending a week without the internet?

That initial "WHAT?" is totally understandable. The internet has become so woven into the fabric of our lives that a week offline can feel like a digital detox bootcamp. We rely on it for news, connecting with friends and family, entertainment, even researching recipes for dinner. But what if, instead of seeing it as a […]

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8 May 2024
LibreOffice Becomes My Go-To

After graduating from my upskilling course, I lost access to the familiar Microsoft Office 365 suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) that I'd been relying on for both school and personal projects. Looking for a free alternative, I turned to LibreOffice. While it's been a smooth transition for basic tasks, there have been some adjustments. For example, […]

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6 May 2024
From Mint to Mac

For two glorious years, Linux Mint was my web development haven. It was the perfect storm of simplicity, speed, and a workflow that felt like an extension of myself. Then, like a plot twist straight out of a horror movie, my system crashed during my most pressure-packed week ever. As a full-stack developer with over […]

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